Toxic! Comic No. 6 May 2, 1991 / British Underground Comic / Horror & Sci-Fi / Color /
British comics magazine all in full color. Painted cover art by Colin MacNeil. Independent tales filled with anarchy, anti-heroes, bad language, and violence. “The Hateful Dead Part 6,” script by Pat Mills, art by Kevin O’Neill; Marshal Law takes Razor-Head to the mortuary. “The Final Conflict,” script by Pat Mills and Tony Skinner, art by Martin Emond; Fallon settles things with the person who ordered his ex-wife killed. “This Ol’ Tarred an’ Feathered Heart,” script by Banx and David Leach, pencils by David Leach, inks by Banx. “Termination Bay,” script by Pat Mills, art by Mike McMahon; Ross’s ship has left hyperspace in the vicinity of the Captain’s hunt. Untitled story, script by Banx and David Leach, pencils by David Leach, inks by Banx; A nun takes the Driver to task. The Fear Teachers illustration by John Hicklenton. “The Chinese Syndrome Part 5: Chapter two: The Fortune Kook,” script by John Wagner and Alan Grant, art by Cam Kennedy; A Chinese restaurant is demolished by protection racketeers as the Bogie Man breaks in and waits. The Acme Co. Anti-Mugging Suit illustration, pencils by Mike Hadley, inks by Tim Bollard. 36 pages, full color.